21 years!
I got my first pair of show chickens (Spangled Old English Game Bantams) twenty-one years ago today. That makes me sound like an old timer!
My news, stories, adventures, misadventures, and other random thoughts. :-)
I got my first pair of show chickens (Spangled Old English Game Bantams) twenty-one years ago today. That makes me sound like an old timer!
Labels: bear cub scrimshaw, scrimshaw, work in progress
Yesterday was the Battle of the Barns show out in Martinez. The theme this year was "Decades" and we (the Bay Area Equestrian Network team) were the USO Girls of 1941. Last year we won the whole show and the costume competition. This year the team seemed a little less structured. And one team member's truck died on Friday and she was unable to bring her horses to the competition so we knew beforehand we'd be getting several very large time penalties in the classes she was supposed to ride. Winning would have been pretty much impossible, and indeed we did not win. We got 7th out of 10 and did not win the costume competition. I rode in only two classes, which made much of the day pretty boring.
Two nights ago my web host was being moody and last night I was gone, so this is two days worth of WIPs. Wait, where did I leave off (I have to read my blog and find out!) Ah, okay.
Labels: bear cub scrimshaw, work in progress
July 23 is a day I never forget. It's been nine years since Thunder died. Hard to believe that, I remember it quite vividly, and yet it seems like soooo long ago that she was part of my life. I sure had some fantastic times with that horse! She was the perfect first horse.
It's starting to get more tolerable. The hard part is figuring out the colors. I have drawn so many chickens and horses I know by heart how to create any shade of brown, or any of the reds and oranges and grays, but throw pink and purple and blue at me and I'm stumped, gotta figure it out as I go. It's not like I just take one pencil and color something in. Oh no, haha, far from it. Depending on the color there are anywhere from 1 (rare, that would usually be a patch of solid white or solid black) to 12 layers of color, from light to dark. Unlike paint, there's no mixing on a palette, it's all mixed right on the paper! Layers and layers and layers of color...
Labels: work in progress
It was a pretty scattered day, lots to do but not a lot of time for any one thing, so the progress on the drawing is less than impressive, I'll wait and show you tomorrow.
Labels: scrimshaw, work in progress
Me! Well sort of.. Just found out that my two entries in the California State Fair Fine Art show ("Aragorn at One Year" and "Jessie") both received an Award of Merit. Technically that's kinda like Honorable Mention, but it sounds cooler. My art is just too normal for them! ;-) One of these years I must do a horribly ugly abstract piece. I even know the title already!
Well, no sooner do I finish telling everyone how great Shylah is when we have a day like today. Absolutely rotten little brat today, that was the worst ride I've had on her. My calm horse was a spooky, balky freakazoid. When we got back from the road ride (that's supposed to be fun!) I cantered her a few zillion laps around the round pen until she was absolutely worn out. Cantering of course being her least pleasant gait I'm curious who will be more sore tomorrow, me or her! (Yeah, I'm guessing me!)
Some drawings practically draw themselves. This is not one of them. I think my struggle with this piece is probably all my head, because it's a subject matter I tend to avidly avoid, but I'm making myself do this to prove that I can. Of course I can! At its most basic form, everything is line, color, and texture. Just takes a bit of convincing sometimes. :-) ("But these aren't the colors I normally use!" "But it's not an animal!" "But but but" Yeah...) I'm sure this will have a moment where it all clicks into place. It just isn't there yet...
Labels: work in progress
Ha ha, this does not photograph well at night! That yellow color looks pretty gross here, it's much prettier in person. What is this? Eh, you'll see. I'll give you the title later.
Labels: work in progress
That's what I used to call them with Thunder, "paved trail rides." Thunder was a great road horse. Gwen was great around traffic but she has that sneaky aspect to her personality that has always felt dangerous. Shylah has the makings of a great road horse too. Why I haven't done this more with her, well... I'm a wimp? It's the moment of going for it that's hard, but then I find out it's not so bad after all and it gets easier. I'm like this with life in general sometimes! :-)
As written in my journal on the 29th, edited now with comments in parentheses:
Labels: The Adventure
It was another lazy morning until the farrier came out and reshod Amigo (remember he lost a shoe a few days earlier in Teton Canyon). However, considering his problems with navicular disease he was still too sore for a ride that day so that ruled out another jaunt through the field.
Labels: The Adventure
The second illustrated matboard is now done. Geez that took a long time! ;-) I just can't decide which side is "up." (BM, if you have a preference let me know, since you're the one who'll be looking at it). I put 24 color names into a box and picked them out random, that's how the colors ended up in the order they are, if anyone's wondering.
Draft Horse Classic: I'm in! "Thankful" and "Sunday Morning" were both accepted, as was my booth. I actually found this out "through the grapevine" about a week ago but wanted to get official notice before I said anything.
After taking all those eagle pics, we hoofed it on back to the truck and headed onward toward the exit. Bryan was in a hurry as he needed to be somewhere, so the eagles were to be the last of the photo-stops. He looked over at me and smiled and said something like "well, we saw everything but bears and wolves, that's pretty good." I agreed that was pretty fantastic (other than lacking photographic proof of mooses). It couldn't have been more than ten seconds later, as I stared absentmindedly out the window, saying goodbye to this wonderful place, that I saw a female elk running along the bank on the far side of the river. Wow pretty, I thought. B saw her too and said "did you see that elk?" "Yup."
Labels: The Adventure
Yellowstone Lake is immense. Absolutely immense. I thought Clear Lake was big!
Labels: The Adventure
We headed north from Norris Geyser Basin.
Labels: The Adventure
It's icky here. Only got to 99 today but I think that's just because the smoke was so thick that not much sun is getting through. It's bad. My head hurts, my throat hurts. There are no fires here, it's just blowing in.
We stayed in West Yellowstone, MT the night of the 26th so as to save some gas and get an early start the next day. Cute place, I recommend the Hibernation Station if you need to stay there. A little spendy for sure but actually a LOT better than some of the generic hotels. Of course being afflicted with the "can't sleep in hotels" curse, I think I was significantly less than perky the next morning. Sorry... And it was B's birthday no less!
Labels: The Adventure
Some WIPS do not photograph well. These are among them, but lest you think I've been sitting around twiddling my thumbs, I must show them to you (okay, so I've been spending great gobs of time getting all the Adventure photos cropped and labeled, but I'm almost done with those, which is sad because once I finish blogging it then you're stuck with my relatively dull existence again).
We left Old Faithful and drove toward West Yellowstone (that's an actual town btw, its in Montana, yay I went to Montana!). Somewhere along that stretch of road we missed the bear. Oodles of cars pulled over along the river, so we jumped out and ran up there and people said "you just missed the bear." Dang! Probably a big gorgeous photogenic bear, knowing my luck. Oh well, I did enjoy the bison at Old Faithful. You win some, you lose some.
Labels: The Adventure
It was evening when we arrived at Old Faithful. There was a smallish crowd starting to gather. We had no idea when it was going to do its thing and couldn't find a sign anyway so we figured that meant time to go get ice cream cones and wander back out there. Perfect timing. The crowd got bigger and I could hear people saying it would go off in a few minutes.
Labels: The Adventure
Woo hoo, finally in Yellowstone! I'd wanted to go there for my entire life, I'm just so tickled that I finally had the opportunity. I will say it would have been neat to hike around some, but how does one prepare for altitude? A low-altitude flatlander myself, I can hoof it around here all day no problem, but dang get me up at many thousands of feet and add some hills and it really kicked my butt. Having more time there would have been cool too.
Labels: The Adventure
I have to interrupt the recap of the Adventure and throw in a little bit of current events. It is hot here, or as I like to say "stinkin hot." It's 10:30pm right now as I write this and it's 82 degrees. It was 107 this afternoon. Hate hate hate hate. It's going to be worse all week.
"What a day!" says the journal.
Labels: The Adventure
This one's going to have a LOT of photos! I thought about breaking this down into several posts, but I think it's a little more cohesive as one, so I'll just overwhelm you all at once.
Labels: The Adventure
Hey, Happy 4th of July everyone, hope you had a good one. We had a little BBQ tonight. It was pretty low key and smaller than normal but still a lot of work to prep for. I'm missing a poultry show this weekend up in Eureka. I miss seeing my buddies but even if the dates hadn't been a conflict I doubt I would have gone anyway just because of gas prices. It is weird to not be there though, that little summer show is one of my favorites. Gone are the days of me attending 7-8 shows a year. I have a feeling I'll be lucky to make it to maybe two or three of them this season. I think I will find myself cutting back even more on the birds, but it's a little early to say that yet...
After leaving Jackson Hole that evening, we stopped by a property where the company B works for is doing some landscape work. What a place, it was gorgeous. Huge house, winding trails that crossed creeks and bridges and went through forests and meadows. Oh to live on a place like that!
Labels: The Adventure
I talked to an artist friend this morning who has been there and done that with this gallery stuff. He said don't get an agent if I want to deal with galleries, they will want to work directly with me. I was actually thinking agent more for the licensing stuff, about which I am clueless, but that's another conversation and that's good to know about galleries.
After visiting the National Museum of Wildlife Art, we went back to Jackson Hole. I'd had a pretty good look around a few days earlier but wanted to jog my memory as to exactly which galleries were which, and I had missed one or two of them. Plus there were some things I wanted B to see.
Labels: The Adventure
Blarg, I cannot shake this funk that I have been in since getting home. I need to get over this. I am restless. I don't want to be here, and I want what I don't know if I'll ever find.
Labels: The Adventure
June 23 was another pretty relaxed day, at least for me. ;-) Following a very early morning mule-escape, I zonked out on the couch til late morning. We went to Rexburg again in the morning to get some stuff at the feed store, and I needed a new duffel bag because mine had decided to start falling apart somewhere between Sacramento and Denver a few days earlier, and the last thing I needed was for the entire contents of my bag to fall on the floor of some airport. Back to the house for lunch, and since Sara had gotten so sweaty on Sunday's ride, B decided to clip her. Meanwhile, though a few days early I went ahead and baked birthday cake. My first attempt at high altitude baking! I used a recipe from Joy of Cooking, which was rather complex. It came out a little dry but tasted pretty good and the texture was fine.
Labels: The Adventure
So I was a little peeved today to find out that Photoshop CS (what I am using) does not open .NEF files, which is the raw format that my new camera uses. I had been shooting in high quality JPEG but then switched to raw. It's not a crisis, I just have to convert them all using the Nikon software, it's just a pain and takes a long time. I'm only up to the afternoon of the 26th as far as photo revision goes....
Labels: The Adventure
Saturday the 21st was sort of a lazy day. Bryan (aka BK or B if I'm in the mood for initials) had to take the horses to the vet in the morning, so I puttered around for a while and took a few photos, and then a few more when the horses returned:
Labels: The Adventure