Happy New Year!
Well, here it is again. Didn't this just happen? I tend to find New Years rather depressing, but not as bad as my birthday or Valentine's Day. I've never had a particularly exciting New Years Eve, and this year certainly does not break tradition. I'm not much of a partygoer anyway (with the exception of poultry show parties of course!) and this is one of those nights where it sucks more than normal to be single. So, I may as well stay home and get some work done.
But for a glimpse into my super glamorous life, here's how I spent New Years Eve:
got up late
fed horses, checked birds, etc.
business stuff, emails, paperwork
worked on cleaning studio
finished cleaning studio/front room
cleaned guest room
put out tables, chairs, tablecloths, candles, etc for tomorrow's brunch
washed 7 roosters (I have two shows coming up, in two weekends)
did some research about microscopes
watched a bit of the news
sprayed all the birds for mites
did laundry
cleaned bathroom
vacuumed kitchen
watched "The Empire Strikes Back"
will I make it to midnight? Hmm, does it matter?
So, 2008... This year has to bring changes. I am so tired of being broke. I compare myself to where my friends are now in their lives and I feel like the biggest loser on the planet. It's ridiculous, and I don't know how long that poor old car is going to keep going....
I think the new year will see even more of a shift away from "fine art" toward scrimshaw. If there's a future for me in art I think that's where it's at. And I hate that I just said "if." There HAS to be, gosh darn it! I am getting SO much positive feedback and reviews on the scrimshaw, and it's pretty cool that so many people have written and told me I've inspired them to try it, but I really need to inspire some more people to buy it! ;-) Anyway, it's not like I'm going to stop drawing or painting, and of course I'm still taking commissions, but much of time I'm pretty fed up with the fine art scene. I honestly don't know what to do about all that licensing stuff, and as much as I am leery of doing this, it may actually be time to consider an agent. There IS a market for the artwork, I just don't have the knowledge or connections to go out and find it. I really envy artists who have someone to help them.
I want to buy a microscope as soon as possible. As much as I am grateful to be able to use the one next door, it is not an ideal setup and I could put in so many more hours if I was able to work here, since then I could also work after dark (a large chunk of the day this time of year!). I was going to try to save up for a new one but I just don't feel like I can justify spending that much. Used ones pop up on ebay from time to time and if I can spend half the amount and still get a good scope, I'm totally cool with that. Even if it means not getting the "perfect scope" right now, but more of a starter setup just to get me going and maybe resell in a few years. It's going to be expensive either way though. If ever anyone was inclined to buy something right now would be an excellent time. Tell me what you want, make me an offer... :-)
I am still thinking I may cut back on birds... a lot. I'd still be willing to sell the whole flock of Brassies and Blue Brassies but I'm not sure the right person is out there to take them. Mostly I think what I need to do is just really cull hard and get rid of anything that isn't darn near perfect. That might weed out another 1/3 of the flock, or maybe more, I dunno. That's a tricky thing though because my "reject" birds are sometimes a lot better than what other people are selling as show or breeding stock, and yet I don't feel right selling them as such. What to do! I guess I just need to sort through them all and take inventory of what I even have.
I need to ride more, or even just spend more time with the horses.
So wish me luck, cross your fingers, tell your friends to buy stuff, whatever it takes...
Here's hoping 2008 brings us all what we are looking for. :-)