Happy Halloween!
Have a safe and happy Halloween! Don't eat all your candy in one sitting.
I have my usual festivities tonight, that being absolutely nothing. Just work...
My news, stories, adventures, misadventures, and other random thoughts. :-)
Have a safe and happy Halloween! Don't eat all your candy in one sitting.
If I would just stop for half a second and pay attention I would have seen that today is not the first or third Sunday of the month, and therefore there was no auction. Unfortunately I didn't realize that until I drove ALL the way out there... about 45 minutes each way. I got up to 5:30am for nothing!!! Grrr. I'm going back to bed.
Horses are so optimistic. They always think it might be dinner time.
I hate that I am missing a poultry show this weekend. I'm such a show junkie, I know!!! It's down in Ventura. I went in the spring. Looong drive, but really not that bad. I sorta like long trips alone anyway. I had actually planned to go to this one, but at the time I stated that, I hadn't anticipated going to Indiana. But I decided for the sake of the art business it's really important that I attend the big show in Indy, and unfortunately that means my participation in the fall shows here in CA definitely suffers. *sigh* Looking at it realistically though, my birds aren't any more show-worthy than they were last weekend, taking another weekend off would have been tough, and with this stupid cold I wouldn't have or be much fun this weekend anyway.
The weather is beautiful. I have a little more time than I did. I ought to be out working the horses, a job I have been neglecting. And I'm sick. AAAAARRRRRG!!!! Stupid @#$% cold! Maybe *next* week I will feel good enough to be out there! Grumble grumble gripe gripe.
The weather on the 11th alternated between showers, clear, and pouring rain. DP says the forecast changes about every three seconds over there. I believe it!
Wow, my previous posting was my 300th!
Tuesday the 10th started out on the soggy side, with morning showers, but ended up warm and partly sunny by the afternoon. First up on the agenda was a ride on the London Eye. Think that Ferris Wheel at State Fair is big? Well, this thing is enormous. It's the world's largest observation wheel, at 135 meters tall (I looked up on the website). I don't know the geography well enough to point out landmarks and buildings, so I'm just going to give you a bunch of pics without captions. Some things you will recognize, like Big Ben, that's hard to miss. The ride around takes maybe a half hour or so. It's an amazing view. I suppose someone who doesn't like heights might not go for it. I'm not crazy about being up high but it feels very safe in the capsule!
Okay, now back to London before I forget everything!
The following images will be available at the Asylum Gallery's 2nd Annual Nothing Over $200 Holiday Print Show.
I'm tired! I got home a little over an hour ago from a weekend in Paso Robles at a poultry show. I didn't win much of anything, got Best of Breed but I had the only Rosecombs there so it was kind of a given! My birds are really too young to do much right now, they aren't filled out and finished yet...another few months and they may do some damage. But I still had a very fun weekend. I haven't seen most of the poultry people since the spring show season ended in April, so it's always nice to see my friends and catch up on everyone's lives. I also delivered four framed Standard drawings to their sponsors, and they liked them a lot, so that was pretty cool. :-)
Monday October 9th it was even harder to get out of bed. The time change was no longer an issue but I seemed to be falling farther and farther behind on sleep. The day was cloudy but warm, and cleared up to party sunny by the afternoon. First on the schedule that day was to return the rental car, and then we took the tube to Hyde Park. Hyde Park is rather large, very green and grassy, trees in some areas, open in some areas. It's nice, but it's not really terribly exciting.
I think we left the fair around 4pm, and headed off for Cambridge, which I guess it one of those places you just have to see while you are in England. How did D&D describe it? A bunch of American students with an overdeveloped sense of entitlement? :-) It was a rather cute town, with a spectacular church seemingly on every corner. I had to stop taking pictures of churches. There were too many, I don't know what any of them are, and they all ended up looking the same.
Let me first apologize to anyone on dialup, you are going to hate me for this one. Sorry, you know how I am at poultry shows. CAMERA CRAZY!!!
An English Shire show, in England! I spent quite a while drooling over these big horses. It was interesting to me that there were a lot of bays, whereas in the US you mostly see black or gray shires, and hardly any bays. The English ones seemed heavier and less leggy than their American counterparts.
Out between the pigs and dogs there were several trailers with donkeys lined up along side (miniature and regular donkeys) and a few out driving around in carts.
I have never seen so many dogs at a fair before. Dogs of every shape and size, dogs everywhere. There were several dog shows there, a "lurcher and terrier" show (is a lurcher a greyhound? Does anyone know?) And also a mutt show, and an agility course. But whether all the dogs there were in a show or not, I don't know. I think it's just one of those things people take a dog to. I saw dogs I'd never seen before. Unfortunately I didn't get a lot of photographs, as it was pretty crowded and I didn't get a chance to talk to any of the dog owners. I could have spent the entire day doing nothing but photographing dogs, had I been so inclined (A.R. you would have gone insane here with the plethora of odd looking dogs). :-)
For most of the nights in London we stayed in a hotel, as D&D's place was a tad on the small side for an extended stay. The hotel was nice, the room was very modern and extremely small. They don't use washcloths over there, I thought that was quite odd. Apparently they are hard to find at all.
I still have a bunch more photos and stuff to post on here, just haven't had much time this weekend. One month til deadline. 6 drawings to go.
After Stonehenge, we proceeded onward to the city of Bath, home to the ancient Roman bath (hence the name). This is a major tourist town, and it's amazing to see the ancient ruins.
Getting out of bed on October 7th was NOT easy, since I was not adjusted to the time change, so even getting up at 9am felt like 1am... ugh! We finally left the city around 11am and headed out into the country. In my mind, getting OUT of the city was the best part of the trip! :-) They sure don't make it easy though, I'm not sure how anyone manages to navigate a way out of London.
*note* I am not going to give a lot of history on things, though there is certainly a lot of history there. I'll put in links where I can, so if you want to know more, check the links!
By the end of this series of postings, you may be sick of my photographs. I took a zillion of them. I'm trying to narrow it down a bit, but that's tough, so many are so nice! There will certainly be multiple views of the same thing though... It's not the same as really being there, but I'll attempt to take you on a virtual tour.
My gosh, have you nothing better to do than sit around and read my blog?! ;-)
So you've heard of a partridge in a pear tree. Well today I was rather surprised to come home and find a pigeon in a Japanese maple (a very tiny maple, I might add!). Seems an odd resting place. I went out to have a chat with it (pigeons are NOT encouraged to hang around here....) and it flew away, so at least it wasn't sick. Weird.